A couple of months ago I was challenged during a Sunday morning sermon to do more for God. I realized that I certainly do my part in warming a church pew every Sunday morning, but I could be doing more--both inside and outside of the church walls. I charged myself to start attending more services and find a program to be involved in.
Also, I wanted to find a need outside of church and fill it. I didn't really have anything in particular in mind. Of course, my first thought went to helping out with a Christian club at school. And while I think that would be amazing, it isn't finding a need and filling it. Someone else has already saw there was a need for that and is filling it.
So I thought and prayed about it. I didn't want to start something up that was my own will and not God's. Finally, God showed me a need for Christian fellowship at school--for the teachers. We are given an awesome responsibility as followers of Christ and teachers of children. As Christians we are called to be like Christ, and for those of you who do not know, Christ is perfect. And, at least for me, its incredibly hard to show the perfection that is Christ through an incredibly imperfect person. Sometimes it's hard to show mercy like the Father has shown me. Sometimes it's hard to love with an agape love when someone is being really nasty. Sometimes it's hard to be patient and long suffering as my Savior certainly is with me. And, so, I decided that it would be nice to have a weekly gathering for teachers to discuss what God is doing in our lives and the lives of our students through us.
I began asking around to get ideas and gather interest from my co-workers. Together, we decided to do a Christian book study. After sending out e-mails and getting feedback, we decided to start with Crazy Love. While I had never read the book, I had certainly heard about it. Everything I have heard has been wonderful.
Tomorrow will be our second meeting. We are reading one chapter each week, and let me tell you, this book is phenomenal! I couldn't be more happy with our choice. It is straight-forward and challenging. I am so excited about this book and cannot wait to read it each week. In fact, it is so hard for me not to continue on to the next chapter.
If you have not read this book, stop whatever it is you are doing and visit http://www.crazylovebook.com/.
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