A blog with no set theme. It's kinda like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Out of the Mouths of [Semi] Babes

As most of you know, I'm a 7th grade math teacher. My kids are 12 and 13 years old with the occasional 14-year old hanging with us. This is an awkward time in their lives because while their bodies are maturing towards adulthood, their brains are not quite there. Here's a few statements that make me (a) laugh, (b) go, "Really?!?!", and (c) love my job! I ask God for an extreme amount of patience and a sense of humor everyday on my way to work. It's comments like these that let me know He's answering my prayers. Enjoy!   **This is a cumulative working list. I'll add as the school year progresses.....or until I forget about its existence.**

  • *Back-story: We have been talking about linear equations and lines in class. I told the kids they can remember that a horizontal line goes across from left to right because that's how the horizon is.*  A friend of mine moved to Hawaii recently. I was checking out her awesome pictures on Facebook and showed some snapshots of the landscape to two girls sitting near my desk. One said, "That's so pretty! I've been looking for the horizon here, but I can't find it. I can't wait until I see it. One time I saw the trees in the background and thought it was the Grand Canyon because they looked so big." (Not making this up or adding to it.)
  • The kids have been trying to figure out one of their classmate's middle name. They said he knew everyone in the room's middle name, but no one knew his. So I asked him what my middle name was. A student seated near my desk says, "Wait, is your real name not Miss Floyd?" I said, "Well Miss is not my first name. It's Jamie." She said, "So Floyd is not your middle name?" Nope. (This was one of those "Really?!?!?!" moments.
  • Question on Pre-Test given to students on the material they learned from last year:  23. What is the probability of rolling a number cube (dice) and it landing on an even number? Correct answer: 3/6 or 50% chance. Student's Answer: Most Likely.
  • When talking about my 25th birthday fastly approaching, a child shouts out, "Miss Floyd, don't worry. My uncle is 50 and he still has muscles!!"
  • After showing them a picture of a guy dressed up like Santa with a reindeer. "Miss Floyd, so Rudolph is for real? That story is true!?!?!" (So cute!)
  • I just want to eat, sleep, and be happy. And play X-box.
  • **When asked if he wanted to come back to school after the Christmas beak.** "I didn't want to come back to school. I walk too much here."
  • The assignment was to do numbers 1-12 displayed on the board. Sometimes you wonder.....
                                                     1, 2, 3, ........., 9, 10, 14

  • Our Thought for the Day today was "The only real disability in life is a bad attitude." When prompted with the question, "What is a disability?", this is the response I got. "A check in the mail." Now at first I thought the kid was kidding around, but no, he was 100% serious and thought that was what disability was. I said, "Well, yes, some people do get monitary support because of their disability, but that's not the actual disability. There are actually two different types of disabilities. Does anyone know what they are?" Response: "The check in the mail, and......hmmmm....maybe one you get handed to you."
  • Students were given 8 equations to solve. Marky Mark (not his real name) misses number two and makes a huge deal about it. When we finish calling out the answers to the 8 problems, I ask how many of them got a perfect score. Marky Mark raises his hand proudly and yells "Me!!". I remind him that he missed one. He says he still got a perfect score. Hmmmmm.
  • Child A is staring at Child B. I tell Child A to stop staring because no one likes to be stared at. Then I proceeded to stare at him. After about 20-30 seconds of staring, I asked Child A if he liked me staring at him. Child A responds, "Kind of." Hahaha, not the response I was going for.
  • "Miss Floyd, did you know that if you eat a mushroom five minutes before it blooms that you'll have eternal life?" (I was starting to get worried at the beginning of this question, but it didn't end the way I thought it would.)
  • Student waits until everyone leaves the room and comes up to me saying, "Miss Floyd, don't tell anybody, but you act just like my  mom. She makes up words just like that [I called him presh] and she dances around the house. Please don't tell her I told you though. I'm not supposed to tell people how she acts."
  • Back story: We usually listen to my Pandora station softly in my classroom. Unfortunately, they started blocking Pandora so I brought in an OLD clock radio that my parents gave me. It used to be my dad's alarm clock. I have no clue how old this thing is, but you can tell it's ancient. So I bring it in and it will only pick up local stations. The kids have been wanting to rotate the stations so we can have a variety of music genres. Real story: Child A: Miss Floyd, can we turn the radio to some rap? Me: No sir, it only picks up local stations so it's either this or country. Child B: Why does it only pick up local stations? Child A: Probably because it's so old. Child B: Miss Floyd, how old is that radio? Me: I'm not sure. I got it from my parents, but I can tell you this, it's really old. Child B: You should keep it until it stops working. Then it'll be even more old and you can sell it for a lot of money because it will be worth something some day. Me: That's a really good idea! Child A: What? I already know what you're going to be when you grow up. You gonna own a pawn shop. You gonna have a room full of junk thinking it's gonna make you some money.
  • Today after school, a student asked me why I wasn't working out today. I told him I was tired and didn't feel like it, but I was going to take my Pilate's mat home and do some over the weekend. He asked what Pilate's was so I got out my resistance band and showed him the "paint under the stairs" move that works the back of your arms. I said, "it's fun, isn't it?" His response: "Yes ma'am. Well, not really. I'd rather sit around and eat ice cream." My thoughts exactly. :)
  • I told one of my students, who is black, to "get to work, son." He looked at me, looked at his arm, and said, "I ain't mixed."
  • A student borrowed a pencil from me because he could not find his. He found it in his pocket about five minutes later. When he returned mine to me, I noticed he had a tiny pencil in his hand. I asked if that was his pencil. He confirmed that it was, indeed, the pencil he was planning to use. I asked he if was sure that he wanted to use that one instead of mine. He said yes. We spent the rest of the class waiting on him to catch up before we went to a new page of notes because he was having trouble writing with his pencil. Given another opportunity to borrow a pencil from me, he politely declined. I'll let you figure out which was my pencil and which was his.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Holidays: Overwhelmed and Underwhelmed

     Just like pretty much everyone else, I love the holidays! Especially Christmas. It's the most wonderful time of year, as they say. Happy music, parties, presents, family get-togethers, decorating the tree (and the rest of the house), and Jesus. With all that combined, how can you not love this holiday?!?!

      Thanksgiving went by in a blur. My 25th birthday, Iron Bowl, and Thanksgiving all within a week of each other. Plus, I took the entire week of Thanksgiving rather than the 3 days that school was out. When I returned from the break, I hit the ground running and I feel like the pace hasn't slowed down.

     This holiday season, I feel myself being equal-parts overwhelmed and underwhelmed.

     I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed because Christmas is quickly approaching and I still have so much to do!! I thought I was getting a head start this year on the gift-buying, and I felt like I could take a break because I had accomplished so much. Now I realize I just took too long of a break and am pretty much behind. With so much to buy and so much decorating still to be done, I'm overwhelmed. Also, my social life seems to take wings this time of year (not that I'm complaining). So many get-togethers and parties leaves me with little time to do what needs to be done. Thank goodness for a full seven days off before the big day to get it done!

     I'm feeling a bit underwhelmed because I'm so overwhelmed that I tell myself, "No big deal, if the house doesn't get decorated to the degree I want it to be, it'll be fine" and "I can just do the rest of my gift buying when we get out of school for the break" and "I'll just skip this Christmas party because I need to get some stuff done." Each of those statements totally relieves me of stress, but they're part of what makes Christmas so much fun. Decorating, buying gifts for your loved ones, and parties. FUN! And I feel like I'm missing out on some of the spirit of Christmas because of it.

     I think it was like this last year, too. Maybe that's what all adult Christmases are like.....I hope not. I'm almost positive that every adult does this, but I keep telling myself that next year I am going to be more prepared. I've come up with a plan that will totally work if I stick to it. As a teacher, January is my poorest month. We get paid on the last day of the month and because we get 2 weeks off for Christmas, we get paid in the middle of December. So even though it is the same amount of money, I go one and a half months without actually receiving a paycheck. And because I have shopping left to do and I have one and a half month's salary in my checking account that week before Christmas, it's easy to overspend on gifts and spend January scrimping and saving to get by. All this to say that January is not included in my "master" plan. So here's what I've come up with: starting in February, I'm going to get one Christmas gift a month. That way I will have a foot ahead and it won't be so shocking on my pocket book when December rolls around.
     Anyway, overwhelmed or underwhelmed, it's going to be a great Christmas! I'm so looking forward to it!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thankfulness....a week later

So I know I'm seven days late on this one......but for anyone who knows me, that should seem about right.
Fact: We all have something to be thankful for. When we discuss the things we're thankful for it is usually only the generics that come up: God, salvation, family, friends, health, house, car, living in America, etc. So I'm going to take this time to list a few non-generic things in my life that I'm thankful for (but really I'm just bragging about all the little things that make my life so great):
  1. the fact that my kitty cat, Skunkus Leonis, waits on me to get home everyday like a puppy dog
  2. the way my classroom smells (Tyler Candle Company: Limelight)
  3. the adrenaline rush after my coffee
  4. my sweet students--the normal reaction when I tell people that I am a 7th grade teacher is awe. Truth: 7th graders are awkward and usually the worst behaved. Truth: Mine are AWESOME
  5. my memory foam pillow
  6. when I mention that my favorite candy is Reese's and I have kids (that I don't even teach) bringing me Reese's out of the blue for a week straight
  7. when someone returns your smile
  8. even better: when someone smiles at you first
  9. the breakfast muffins a coworker brings to me almost every morning
  10. slumber parties with my friends (yes, we are 25 and do it at least twice a month)
  11. watching my flowers grow and knowing it is because of my care and attention
  12. my bloodhounds' howls
  13. wreaths (for all seasons)
  14. my Droid 2
  15. calculators
  16. Dan, my stuffed animal
  17. my house robe
  18. chap stick
  19. MAC makeup
  20. hot rollers
  21. a compliment
  22. Mrs. Jeanelle's cakes
  23. the fact that my grandparents really do live over the [branch] and through the woods
  24. a really good pen
  25. my metabolism
  26. massages
  27. Flintstones vitamins
  28. red toenail polish
  29. freshly vacuumed carpet
  30. my Sherpa blanket
  31. my chair (that's really Don's chair)
  32. my childhood summers with my Grandma, Kelly, Stephanie, and Mandy
  33. post it notes--they're so much fun
  34. the fair
  35. hope
  36. when someone tells me that I'm their favorite teacher :)
  37. physics
  38. Sunday mornings: getting ready for church listening to 92.3's southern gospel hour, actual church, and Sunday dinners (Southern for lunch)
  39. Rummy
  40. Tetris
  41. that I found The Office....many, many seasons later
  42. the tv show Lost
  43. the fact that Stephenie Meyer wrote the Twilight series
  44. Motion City Soundtrack, Brand New, and Dashboard Confessional
  45. Pandora
  46. Hand Sanitizer
  47. Gum
  48. Wal-Mart
  49. jersey sheets
  50. Regina Phalange
I could keep going forever, so I'll stop at 50 since you probably stopped at 3. :)