Just like pretty much everyone else, I love the holidays! Especially Christmas. It's the most wonderful time of year, as they say. Happy music, parties, presents, family get-togethers, decorating the tree (and the rest of the house), and Jesus. With all that combined, how can you not love this holiday?!?!
Thanksgiving went by in a blur. My 25th birthday, Iron Bowl, and Thanksgiving all within a week of each other. Plus, I took the entire week of Thanksgiving rather than the 3 days that school was out. When I returned from the break, I hit the ground running and I feel like the pace hasn't slowed down.
This holiday season, I feel myself being equal-parts overwhelmed and underwhelmed.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed because Christmas is quickly approaching and I still have so much to do!! I thought I was getting a head start this year on the gift-buying, and I felt like I could take a break because I had accomplished so much. Now I realize I just took too long of a break and am pretty much behind. With so much to buy and so much decorating still to be done, I'm overwhelmed. Also, my social life seems to take wings this time of year (not that I'm complaining). So many get-togethers and parties leaves me with little time to do what needs to be done. Thank goodness for a full seven days off before the big day to get it done!
I'm feeling a bit underwhelmed because I'm so overwhelmed that I tell myself, "No big deal, if the house doesn't get decorated to the degree I want it to be, it'll be fine" and "I can just do the rest of my gift buying when we get out of school for the break" and "I'll just skip this Christmas party because I need to get some stuff done." Each of those statements totally relieves me of stress, but they're part of what makes Christmas so much fun. Decorating, buying gifts for your loved ones, and parties. FUN! And I feel like I'm missing out on some of the spirit of Christmas because of it.
I think it was like this last year, too. Maybe that's what all adult Christmases are like.....I hope not. I'm almost positive that every adult does this, but I keep telling myself that next year I am going to be more prepared. I've come up with a plan that will totally work if I stick to it. As a teacher, January is my poorest month. We get paid on the last day of the month and because we get 2 weeks off for Christmas, we get paid in the middle of December. So even though it is the same amount of money, I go one and a half months without actually receiving a paycheck. And because I have shopping left to do and I have one and a half month's salary in my checking account that week before Christmas, it's easy to overspend on gifts and spend January scrimping and saving to get by. All this to say that January is not included in my "master" plan. So here's what I've come up with: starting in February, I'm going to get one Christmas gift a month. That way I will have a foot ahead and it won't be so shocking on my pocket book when December rolls around.
Anyway, overwhelmed or underwhelmed, it's going to be a great Christmas! I'm so looking forward to it!
I like it. Very well-written! But being underwhelmed is not always a bad thing. Down time can be your most intimate time with Christ - which is good, especially around this time of year. The "underwhelming" down time we spend with Christ can be our anchor when we tend to get swept away with all the overwhelming business and fun. (Although, I wouldn't necessarily call it "underwhelming" to spend time with Christ, but you know what I mean.)