What I'm eating. Wanna talk about delicious? This week, I discovered Mayfield's Snickerdoodle ice cream. I absolutely love those soft cookies, and this no-need-to-fire-up-the-oven dessert has tiny bits of the dough hidden in the cinnamon flavored ice cream.
What products I'm using. Mrs. Meyers cleaners. If you haven't at least purchased yourself a hand soap, then you're missing out. These products have the best scents. Basil and Lavendar are my faves. They have become so popular that even big stores like Wal-Mart and Target carry them. Go out and buy one; thank me later.
What I'm listening to. I've been jamming out to Chris Carrabba's voice crooning out old-school Dashboard Confessional songs this week. While everything I've read about the band suggests they haven't broken up, I haven't heard any new material by them in quite some time. But that's okay, their classic stuff has been keeping me company, and that's alright by me.

What I'm looking forward to. I'm looking forward to tonight's alumni ball. A friend of mine asked if I'd like to go and I, seeing a chance to get dolled up and squeeze into one of my old prom dresses, said yes. Even got a spray tan for this event. Pictures to come later.
What quote I'm loving.

Hope everyone has a delightful weekend! Happy Saturday!!
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