Here are a few lessons I learned while struggling, sweating, and shaking my bootay off:
1) Your body listens to your brain. The mind--it's a powerful thing. And Pure Barre is definitely a mind game. The whole point of the small, precise movements throughout the class is to exhaust a targeted muscle group. It's easy to tell when your muscles have reached the point of fatigue because you start shaking like a leaf. It's at that point your body is telling your mind that it can take no more. In fact, I can clearly hear my thighs yelling "NO MORE!!!" throughout the three "thigh sprints". It's at this critical moment that your brain has only one option. It must say, "You can handle it. Keep it up." If that is the message you send to that muscle group being targeted, somehow, someway, you keep it up. But, if your mind caves in to your muscles, you stop. You take a break. And, as the instructors repeatedly remind you, the shaking represents the change in your body you want so badly. You must embrace it; you cannot give in to it. Similarly, in life, there are going to be times when your body wants to give up. Badly. But if you keep your mind strong and focused, your body will follow. Everything's a mind game when you think about it.
2) It's a commitment. It doesn't matter how much you love Pure Barre, there are going to be days when you just don't feel up to it. But you have to honor that commitment. [Seriously. Or else you'll have to fork out $20 for a no-show fee.] Changes in your body don't happen over night. You have to be committed in order to see results. Similarly, most things in life do not offer instant-gratification. Sometimes you have to wait, be patient, and stay committed in order to see a change.
3) It's not easy. Fo' sho. I figured I wouldn't really break a sweat since there's no jumping around or big movements. I definitely thought wrong. I thought my legs were in pretty good shape considering I hadn't worked out on a regular basis in a while. I definitely thought wrong. If staying in shape were easy, Alabama wouldn't have a shockingly high obesity rate. Most things in life that are worth it are not easy.
4) Sometimes you gotta be a fighter. As the instructors say when your shaking like you just saw a ghost, you have to fight for that change. And if there's one thing PB has taught me, I'm not a natural borne fighter. But I'm learning, and I'm fighting. And I'm seeing that you have to fight for the things you really want. Sometimes, that's the only way you'll get them.
5) Everybody can use a little bit of help. There are times when I think I'm killing a move. I mean, really killing it. Everyone else seems to be tiring faster than me. I can see the concentration in their faces to hold that move. And I think to myself, "Get it, girl! You're doing awesome!" And then, the instructor comes along and corrects my form..... Even though I felt a burn before the correction, it was nothing like what I felt after the correction. Suddenly, I'm sporting that look of concentration like everyone else on the barre. And, if I hadn't been open to a little help, I wouldn't experience what I came there to experience. Sometimes, in life, we have to realize that we need a little help to get the job done correctly. And that's okay.
I cannot wait to start my second month of PB! I am so excited to see more changes in my body and learn a few more lessons. :)
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