What I'm eating. This should be about what I'm not eating. Sweets. I am so proud of myself because I haven't baked ALL WEEK LONG. (I may or may not have eaten a peanut butter pie by myself last weekend, though.) I'm giving credit for this big feat to the fact that my Pure Barre classes were moved to 5:30 this week so I wasn't getting home until 7:00. That doesn't really allow much time to bake. Whatever, the reason--lack of time or sheer will power--I'm proud of myself.

What products I'm using. I am giving Beauty Balm by Urban Decay a shot this weekend. Jenna and I wandered into Ulta last weekend and found ourselves in the UD section. There was a lovely worker who demonstrated this miracle BB cream on Jenna. (I refused because I knew I'd cave and buy it and I didn't need to spend the money.) We both fell in love, and Jenna took it home with her. Fortunately for me, she received a trial size with her purchase, and being the good friend that she is, gave it to me. If it looks half as good on my skin as it did Jenna's, I'm sure I'll be walking back into Ulta in the next week. Sigh.

What I'm listening to. I've been jamming out to old-school Motion City Soundtrack. They always know how to cheer you up and make you jam out. Their album, I Am the Movie, takes me back to the Warped Tour in Atlanta when I got caught in the mosh pit. Yep, lil ol' me was in the middle of a mosh pit with a bunch of punk rockers. Bet you didn't know I was so legit. ;)

What I'm looking forward to. You better believe I'm counting down the days to Spring Break!! [Six Days] More on my SB To Do List later.
I'm also looking forward to tomorrow's Saint Patty's Day celebration with friends at the lake. While I'm a little iffy on getting into a bathing suit this early, the weather is so beautiful I don't think I'll be able to resist.

What quote I'm loving.

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