SIDS is a very frightening but very real issue. Yes, there are lots of ways to help prevent it from happening to your child. Put the baby back to bed. Clear the crib of toys. Make sure the bumper is breathable if you choose to have one at all. But what happens if your baby simply stops breathing?
There are many items you can purchase to alert you if your baby stops breathing. Angel Care products are a popular choice as they go under the crib mattress and monitor a child's movement. We chose not to go that route since August has several pieces of equipment in which he sleeps (none of which is the crib) and we are constantly going back and forth between our hometown and Dothan. We wanted something that could monitor him no matter what he sleeps in.
Enter the Snuza Hero. It is a small device that clips onto the front side of his diaper and monitors his breathing. If the Snuza does not detect breathing within 15 seconds, it vibrates to stimulate breathing. If the child does not breathe within 5 seconds of the vibration (20 seconds in all), an alarm goes off to alert the parents that their child has stopped breathing.
We heard that dreadful sound in the middle of the night this week. Anthony ran to August and jostled him awake so he could breathe. There are not enough words to tell you how grateful I am for this product!
Not to get all doom and gloom on you, but this can happen to any baby--even your own. Be proactive and purchase this item. Best money I've ever spent. Link below.
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