Dear Dr. Seuss,
How crazy is it that I completely forgot the story of the Grinch. I have to admit that when I was tying this story in with a math lesson, I had no idea how the Grinch's story was going to end. Made me a little sad that I'd forgotten such a classic.
[Image obtained from]
Dear Titanic Exhibit,
Wow! I so enjoyed taking a look at you. I would highly recommend you to anyone who is in greater Atlanta area.
[Image obtained from]
Dear Yankee "Sparkling Snow" candle,
My house smells like Christmas because of you, and it's wonderful! Many thanks to one of my fabulous co-workers, Beth!
Dear Brooke,
I still cannot believe we spent THREE HOURS on the phone!! I swear I haven't done that since high school. It was so cathartic. I miss you!!!
Me and Brooke from way back when. We know, we were some hotties.
Dear Skyllar and Family,
You have been my rock through this hellacious (sorry, there is no other word for it) week. I truly believe your encouragement and prayers were the only things getting me through it with a smile still plastered to my face.
Dear Mrs. Kay,
It's hard to believe you will not be at the Sunday morning church service. You were one of the most kind and genuine women I've ever known. You knew how to sing, cook, and tell a great story. I am so going to miss you! You were always so encouraging and up-lifting. Now you're doing the same in Gloryland with your Savior and Mama! I love you!
Dear Christmas Shopping,
I am done with you! Yay!!!
Dear Ricky and Hayley,
I am so glad you're in Dixie! Cannot wait to get my arms around y'all and give you a hug!
Uncle Ricky and Hayley
Dear Christmas Break,
You are here! That's all I need to say (with a smile on my face)!!
Dear Etsy dealers,
Thanks for FINALLY shipping my gifts. You waited until the Friday before Christmas, but you got here. I guess that has to count for something. However, you should know the amount of stress and emotional trauma you caused is almost unforgivable. I realize that you probably have a gazillion orders to fill, but it should not take THAT long to ship something. But, I digress... Oh, except for Chane Hart, with
What the Hart Likes. You were speedy and fabulous!! If you haven't had a chance to visit her etsy site, do it! She's fabulous, as are her products.