A blog with no set theme. It's kinda like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Changing of Times

  So this title is misleading. I'm not talking about Daylight Saving Time....maybe in a later post. I'm talking more like me getting semi-up-to-date with the changing of the times.    I have never claimed to be anywhere near a technologically savvy person. I rocked the tiniest television for almost a year when I first moved into my "adult home". It was about 16" wide. Seriously. I was fine with it until NBA season rolled around and I couldn't make out the players' numbers on the jerseys. Anytime my Celtics came on and I watched the game I would have to sit in the floor right in front of the television. Now I have a much larger television (thanks to my parents). It's still not anywhere near a newer model television. It's one of those that are really deep and heavy, but it works for me.
   I don't have an Ipod. Of any kind. I think they're super-cool, but I just don't have one. When my MP3 player got stolen at the beach last year, I went to Wal-Mart and got another. It was cheap. It got the job done. Can I do the cool little swirl thing like on the Nano? Nope. I have to manually click down the list of songs. Can I check my FB account on it like the Touch? Nope. Can I take 8 mega pixel pics with it? Sure can't. But I can listen to music when I occasionally work out (that's the only time I listen to it). And that's all I need.
   I don't have a Kindle. I read the old-fashioned type of books. They're alright by me.
   I got a DVD player last year for Christmas. That was a nice upgrade.
   One of the (few) goals I have set for my life is to lead a simple one. I think there's something to be said for simplicity. In this society it's pretty scarce. We try to make everything complicated. You can't even go to the drugstore without being bombarded with choices. Even getting into my shower and trying to wash my hair is not a simple task. There are multiple choices and combinations of shampoos and conditioners to choose from. Nothing is simple anymore. I always felt like my lack of interest in technology just helped with my simplistic goal. However, I am pleased to announce that:
Could you feel the anticipation building as your eyes scrolled down? That's what I was going for anyway. But for real, I am pleased to announce that after four years, that's right four years, of rocking the Crazor, I have finally upgraded cellular phones. And I didn't get just any phone; I got the Droid 2. The latest on the market. Practically unheard of for me!!
  I got my Crazor back in the day because I was starting my contract with Verizon and it was one of the free options. Naturally I went with that. I went in there after giving myself a pep-talk that I could stand up against the evil sales people who would try to sell me the latest and greatest phone with apps (this was before there was actually something called apps) that I didn't need. All I cared about was dialing out, receiving calls, and texting. I didn't even care if it had a camera on it since all the cameras on phones sucked. My goal was to keep it simple. And I did. Mission accomplished. I got everything I needed and wanted from that little Crazor. It served me well.
   Probably my favorite thing about my outdated phone was that I could take it to work and leave it all over the place. For some reason last year we could not keep a working clock in my classroom. We didn't have a SmartBoard for the better part of the year so we couldn't just look at it and know the time, and I don't wear a watch. So my cell phone (always on silent btw) was our classroom clock. Now I lose anything that is not attached to my body. Well, maybe lose is not the best choice of words. Let's go with misplace. I am known for my, shall we say, restlessness while teaching. I am constantly up moving around and since the old faithful Crazor was the classroom clock, it got left all over the room quite a bit. But the great thing was that I never worried about someone stealing it. We all know that things get stolen at school. Doesn't matter which school--it happens. Especially if the item deals with technology. Fortunately, any child who had a phone (which is the vast majority) had one that was way cooler than mine. And any child who was not fortunate enough to have their own cell phone didn't want my old thing. That would be too embarrassing. So I liked the freedom to just toss it anywhere in the room and know that it wasn't going to come up missing.
   But I finally decided it was time to get a more current phone. I really like that the new Smart phones can do just about anything. And really you can save a good amount of money with them. They have a GPS system. Just saved about $100. They have free ring tones. Just saved more money. They have a nice camera. Cha-ching. They come with the Internet. No more calling Info. They're just so convenient. The Droid 2 comes with mobile hot spot. For $20 a month you can have the phone put off wi-fi that will power your computer at home. I am cancelling my Internet at home and going to try it. Just saved $45.
   The only problem I have with my new Smart Phone is that I'm not smart enough to use it. I have no clue what is going on. I have no clue how to work my apps. I had trouble even answering my phone earlier today. I no longer have to be sympathetic to the elderly who get phones and don't know how to use them; I can now be empathetic. Oh well, I'm sure it, just like everything else in life, will get easier with time.

                     Here's me with my Crazor: A Tribute.


  1. Much like you I tried being simple word of advice dont marry a geek! Don't get me wrong I love my geek...but he's drawn to the latest and greatest....everything. It took forever to figure out my Droid if you ever need help Brock is the guru come see us!

  2. Ha...you are a chip off the old block. We were the only adults over 40 that didn't have a flat screen until this year. Still wouldn't have one, if I didn't know you needed a better TV. Nothing wrong with simple. Less is more.
