Dear 28,
Unlike most birthdays, I really haven't cared about adding another year under my belt. I guess once you get to the late 20's, what's another number? It doesn't sound young either way. So, yeah, I'm good with it. You just better be a fantastic year--that's pretty much all I care about.
Dear Aubrey, Jenna, Mom & Dad, and Anthony,
Each of you sang a lovely rendition of "Happy birthday" on my voicemail and I loved every aching second of it. Haha, j/k.....I really didn't. But seriously, thank you! They brought a smile to my face and I loved it!!
Dear Facebook,
You have changed so much about the general population's lifestyle. For example, if you think you might want to hang out with someone, you can look up their relationship status on FB before you even approach them. Want to find out if someone is cheating on you or lying about where they are? FB will usually tell you. Want to rob someone's home? They'll usually brag about being on vacation or tag their location to let you know that their house if free game. (Okay, so those last two were kind of bleak. But they still hold true.) Want to keep up with someone without actually having to talk to them? Check out their profile. You've given me the wonderful fortune of watching my friends' children grow when they lived far away (and even when they don't.) This list could go on and on, BUT you've also made people's birthdays 10x better. Before you gained mega popularity, you may have gotten a few phone calls and cards in the mail. But now you get notifications galore with people wishing you a happy birthday. I know it sure did make my day special! So thank you!!!
I'm so glad to be back to you! I wish there was a recording of my face when the flight captain came over the PA and announced the temperature in Alabama. Toledo was great, but there's nothing like Alabama the Beautiful!
Get ready--I'm coming!
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