A blog with no set theme. It's kinda like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 6: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

Day 6: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

  I've asked the question "What do you do" a lot lately, as I've been meeting new people left and right this summer. I don't know why I insist on asking this since it's not my favorite question. Truth be told, I have a bone to pick with the question. It's so broad! Most of us assume we're being asked about our profession, and while we spend a great deal of our time on the job, I would say the greater majority would say our jobs in no way define who or what we are. And isn't that the purpose of this question--trying to discover who the other person is and what they're about?? It just won't do!

  But, the question in the title of this entry takes the original question and refines it. Now this question is such a good one! And if people wouldn't think I was weirdo or way too intense for a first meeting, this would be the question I'd ask my new potential friends.

 So, without further adieu, I'll answer it. If I couldn't answer with my job, I would say....

  • I do big smiles. I have so much to smile about; it's almost ridiculous.
  • I do happy. I pretty much stick to two emotions: happy or mad. Thankfully, I am usually always happy. However, if the madness creeps in---watch out!!
  • I do desserts. Life is too short for deprivation or eating bland foods.
  • I do silliness. It's just downright fun. Life is so much better with less dignity. You should try it some time!
  • I do the Big Three F's: Faith, Family, & Friends. They're the staples of my life.

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