A blog with no set theme. It's kinda like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 17: Three of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

Day 17: Three of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

  1. Hot Mess.  I love, love, LOVE this blog! While I have never met Anabel, I so enjoy reading about everything she has to say about everything. She writes about life and all that it entails. I love her because she is so open and raw. I admire that she puts herself out there in such a real way.
  2. Southern Charm. This blog is as charming as its author, Nikki Bagley. I love this blog because it showcases all the appeal of the South, in a way that Honey Boo Boo never will. 
  3. Writing with Light. I love this blog because of its beautiful photography. I had the pleasure of working with the author, Kathryn McCrary, at Drake Middle School. If I had to describe Kathryn in one word, I'd choose elegant. This description is also true of her blog. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 16: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.

Day 16: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.

   I'm going to tell y'all about my absolute favorite memory from my childhood.

   Our red, single seater go cart was my favorite toy growing up. I couldn't wait to come home from school and ride that thing all over the yard, tearing up the yard as I went. Unfortunately, my dad was not so fond of it for that very same reason. Apparently, he made mention of this to my Granddaddy.

   I came home from school one day to find that Granddaddy has taken his tractor and cut a race track in the pasture behind my house! I'd say it was more of a maze than a race track because you could deviate from the path you were on and go on another. You could go as fast as you wanted around the curves because you would only run into a wall of tall grass. It was so much fun--until the grass grew up again.

   I loved that racetrack/maze so much!!


Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 15: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it

Day 15: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it

   I would say that I've been blessed with quite an easy "lot in life". (Knock on wood!) If it were a lot of land, it'd be located on the lake, or maybe the beach. However, I'd have to say I've been dealt a difficult hand with my auditory issue.

   I don't have a name for it so I just say I have an auditory issue. I'm chronically ADHD and not in the way that everyone labels themselves because technology has crippled our attention spans. I've got the papers to prove it. I don't know if my "auditory issue" stems from this or if it's a whole different issue. I'd like to think they go hand in hand, but that may simply be because I don't want to add to my ever expanding list of peculiarities.

   Anyhoo, I struggle with being able to focus on one noise when there are multiple noises around me--which is always. For example, sitting in a crowded (and noisy) restaurant is a specific type of hell for me. I can hear the words coming out of my table companions' mouths, but I cannot understand them. I liken it to standing in crowded room and having everyone scream different sentences all at once. It'd be almost impossible to pick out what one individual screamed--even though you heard their contribution to the screams. That's about the same level of difficulty I have when seated at a table in a crowded, noisy restaurant.

   I'll spare you the details of how I've tried to cope with this and give you the highlights. Because I try to avoid medications if at all possible and because I'm stubborn as a mule, I thought I could train myself to focus on one sound and block out all the others. After all, I trained myself to clap on a beat. And I got so good that I could even sing and clap on the beat at the same time. But enough bragging. :) I was very wrong about training myself. So I tried medication--twice. Both times I didn't like it. While the ADD is no fun, the H in there really is. I rather like having loads of energy and being easily excited! Unfortunately, the medicine took care of all the letters in my label, and I wasn't good with that. It also made me so focused on one thing that I was no longer a skilled multitasker. I wasn't good with that either. So I'm back to being unmedicated, but at least I'm excited about it!

   I wish I had a better success story so I could say the issue is fixed, but I'll settle for saying I'm coping with it. I could be plagued with something far worse.

  If anyone cared enough to get to the bottom of this long post, here's the lesson I want you to take from this. If you're talking to me and I'm smiling away and nodding my head at an inappropriate time, please know that I'm not an idiot. Chances are I have no idea what you're saying. Either let it slide or come a little closer, but not creeper close. Nobody likes that.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 14: Ten things that make you really happy

Day 14: Ten things that make you really happy

This one’s going to be tough. Really tough.  My moodometer is pretty much always set to happy, and it generally doesn’t take much to get me there.  I am one of those people who gets overly excited about pretty much anything—great or small.
  1. Waking up and seeing/feeling Skunk sleeping beside me. Yes, I know I’m a cat lady. No, I don’t care.
  2.   Pretty much any kind of dessert. The more decadent the dessert, the happier I am.
  3.  Anthony Carter Bianchi.
  4.  Unexpectedly receiving sweet little cards from my Mama in the mail.
  5.   Listening to my old CD’s from high school.
  6.  Jamie Days, days I spend completely with myself. This is my therapy, my sanity, my bliss.
  7.  Feeling effortlessly pretty during the summertime in messy waves, a sundress, & a tan.
  8.  Doing something from start to finish all by myself. I love the self-satisfaction of knowing something is what it is all because I put hard work and effort into it.
  9. Girl time with my ladies. It’s cathartic, to say the least.
  10.  Going to church. Words cannot describe how much I love going to church and worshiping with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 13: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.

Day 13: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.

Dear Toned Tummy,
      I am sorry for putting you through such a hard time a few months ago. I know it must have been devastating to let the consumption of all the pasta, chocolate, and breads you could desire come to a complete and sudden halt.  I’m also sorry that I made you contract and release your abdominal muscles  hundreds of times, day after day, in an effort to provide you with a hard, protective shell. But most of all, I’m sorry that all of this work and effort was for naught.

     It might  would have been completely worth it if we’d continued on the course to bikini-ready that we were on. Unfortunately, we became a statistic and got “soft” due to a new relationship.  We traded in gym time for couch time (or in our case chair time) and healthy meals for big, fun meals to cook together. And just like the will to work out went away, so did the definition.

     I’m not saying I’m sorry this happened. Definitely not! I’m simply issuing an apology to you for putting you through all of that for absolutely no reason.

     Now, with that being said, gear up and put your big girl panties on because we’re about to do it all over again. Enough’s enough. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 12: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

Day 12: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

     While I couldn't be more happy with where I'm currently at in life, I'd have to say I miss college. I loved college so much I decided to stay for five years. Each year was very different than the last, but they were all so good for very different reasons.

Freshman Year: This year was special because this was the year that I realized I actually liked kids. I know, it's crazy (especially coming from a former teacher), but I actually spent the majority of my life not being so crazy about the kiddos. I took a job as a babysitter during my freshman year of college and fell head over heels in love! It started with one sweet five year-old little boy, and then it grew to two sweet baby boys. By the end of that year I was babysitting four kids regularly and loved every minute of it.

 Sophomore Year: This year was a cuh-razee year! I was the definition of a bookworm in the previous year, but sophomore year was when I put the books on the back-burner and scooted the social aspect of college to the forefront. In hindsight, I definitely would have taken school more seriously, but the fun this year held cannot be denied!

Junior Year: This was most definitely my favorite year of college. I was joined at the hip with four other girls, and we had a blast! I was fortunate enough to live with two of these lovely ladies. We had so much fun! This was also the year I changed my major to education. :)

Senior Year, Part 1: I moved in with my parents, transferred to AUM, and worked at Jim N Nicks. I thought moving in with my parents would be horrific, but it actually turned out to be spectacular! The five of us girls were still inseparable and moved our fun to Montgomery, rather than Auburn.

Senior Year, Part 2: This year was great because all of my hard work and time was finally paying off. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I completed my internship and landed my dream teaching job before graduation!

    I could honestly write so many entries about these five years. There's so much to tell, and I barely skimmed the surface of highlights. I hope your college experience was as wonderful as mine!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 11: Sell yourself in 10 words or less

Day 11: Sell yourself in 10 words or less

Lover of People.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Love & Nashville

     I'm fairly certain that everyone knows I love Nashville. Like, a whole bunch. So, when I heard that Anthony [the boyfriend] had never been, I immediately started planning a trip. I'd been a ball of nervousness and excitement in the days before leaving for our mini-vacay. Nervous, because I wanted him to love it as much as I do; excited, because I just knew in my heart-of-hearts that he would. You see, he and I are two very different people when it comes to personality, but we do share a good bit of common interests. I was just hoping Nashville would be one of them.

     We were in Nashville for one tiny weekend. We arrived Friday night and set out for home on Sunday afternoon. In other words, there was NOT a lot of time to get the full Nashville experience. We spent time in East Nashville and midtown (my two favorite parts). I hate that he didn't get to experience downtown, but that just means we'll have to plan another trip.

Unfortunately, I took hardly any pictures. This has made me do my fair share of self-loathing.    
 About to head to the house after completing Night 1.
Dinner at Batter'd & Fried
Drinks at Red Door

Walking around East Nashville
after a delicious brunch
at Mad Donnas

A BIG thank you to my sweet and precious friends, the Bugna's & the Eason, for housing us and ALWAYS showing me such a wonderful time on my trips to Nashville. I often wonder how much I'd love Nashville if these boys weren't there.

Day 10: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill.

Day 10: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill.

     While I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments, I would say my most embarrassing occurred years ago.

Picture it: Tallassee, early 2000's. A young girl is practicing her half-time routine with her peers on the color guard. It's mid-evening at the football stadium. While the band is on a break, the football players start to file out of the field house. The girl is laughing and playing around with her friends. Suddenly, her BFF comes behind her and pulls her shorts down--right when the football players are approaching and passing by. Realizing what just happened, the girl drops to the ground and pulls her shorts up with lightening speed. 

     While this isn't that embarrassing, you have to remember that I was in high school, when everything is dramatic. It was quite embarrassing, I assure you!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 9: A Moment in Your Day

Day 9: A Moment in Your Day (This can be a photo or both a photo and words.)

Stopping for coffees at O'Henrys 
on our way to Nashville.
Have I mentioned that I love this cutie pie?
Because I do.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 8: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.

Day 8: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.

   If I had to narrow down all my tidbits of wisdom to just one stellar piece of advice, I'd go with "Get over yourself." That's right, you heard me. Get. Over. Yourself.

   This can be taken in so many ways--all of which are the right direction. So let's explore all the routes we could take with this:

  • When you want to do something but you will feel or look silly, get over yourself. Who really cares if people look at you funny? They are most likely strangers and strangers they will remain--whether you look funny or not. So, what's the big deal? Do it because you want to. Do it because it's fun.
  • When someone apologizes for their wrong doing, get over yourself. Forgiveness is cathartic. Get over your pride and woundedness, and forgive. It takes a big person to approach the offended person, admit wrong-doing, and apologize. Trust me, you're going to need forgiveness at some point. What right do you have to withhold it?
  • When you feel like everybody is concentrating on you or your accomplishments (or lack thereof) get over yourself. We'd all get our feelings hurt if we knew just how little time other people spend thinking of us.
  • When you have a dream but don't feel like you can actually accomplish it, get over yourself. You are your biggest hurdle. There's a reason the saying "You can do anything you set your mind to" is so overly used that it's become cliche. It's because it's true.

     So that's my piece of advice, my wisdom, my input. You're welcome!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 7: the thing(s) you're most afraid of

Day 7: The Thing(s) You're Most Afraid Of

  So I'm assuming this should be a deep entry since the title kind of insinuates that you should narrow it down to one or two things. But, lets be honest, I'm not really that deep. So I'm just going to go with all the things I'm truly afraid of, no matter how they register on a scale of importance.

  • Spiders. This didn't make it to the top of the list by accident. Anything with that many legs and eyes is crazy-scary. And now I'm going to have to stop thinking of them or I'll have nightmares.
  • A loved one dying suddenly. I realize death is inevitable, but I'd prefer to have time to mentally prepare.
  • Driving in heavy traffic. We don't have heavy traffic in the country so that junk freaks me out.
  • When kitty cats get that crazy look in their eyes. That means they're in the mood to play, even if you didn't know you were in the game. And they'll claw you to force you to play.
  • Cutting nails to the quick. I have an irrational fear of this. It not only scares me, it freaks me out. Big time.
So there you have it. Let the jokes begin. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 6: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

Day 6: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

  I've asked the question "What do you do" a lot lately, as I've been meeting new people left and right this summer. I don't know why I insist on asking this since it's not my favorite question. Truth be told, I have a bone to pick with the question. It's so broad! Most of us assume we're being asked about our profession, and while we spend a great deal of our time on the job, I would say the greater majority would say our jobs in no way define who or what we are. And isn't that the purpose of this question--trying to discover who the other person is and what they're about?? It just won't do!

  But, the question in the title of this entry takes the original question and refines it. Now this question is such a good one! And if people wouldn't think I was weirdo or way too intense for a first meeting, this would be the question I'd ask my new potential friends.

 So, without further adieu, I'll answer it. If I couldn't answer with my job, I would say....

  • I do big smiles. I have so much to smile about; it's almost ridiculous.
  • I do happy. I pretty much stick to two emotions: happy or mad. Thankfully, I am usually always happy. However, if the madness creeps in---watch out!!
  • I do desserts. Life is too short for deprivation or eating bland foods.
  • I do silliness. It's just downright fun. Life is so much better with less dignity. You should try it some time!
  • I do the Big Three F's: Faith, Family, & Friends. They're the staples of my life.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day Five: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends.

Day 5: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them?

    While I follow several blogs, there are a select few of which I make a conscious effort to read each entry. One of these elite few is Keiko Lynn's blog. Keiko is a Florida-turned-New York girl who has a funky style and can do mean things with a makeup brush. And the fact that she loves kitties doesn't exactly poke a hole in her popularity with me!

    I first found her blog while perusing through hair tutorials on Pinterest. I fell in love with her fun sense of style. Hers is very different from mine, but I adore and appreciate her unique look. She is very much into vintage thrift shops, which I'm very jealous of since I love the idea of that but hate digging through the actual shops.

     Her husband, Bobby, is pretty cool as well. I love his tattoos!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day Four: Favorite quote and why you love it.

Day 4: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a man who knew what was up.
I love this quote because it strikes home for me.
Like most girls, I struggled with low self-esteem while growing up, 
and this quote by Emerson made me change the way I viewed myself.
If you are envious of someone else then you are ignorant of 
your own enviable qualities.
If you try to be like someone else then
 the person you truly are no longer exists.
You are your own unique person.
Imperfections are beautiful.
Embrace yourself.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 3: Things That Make You Uncomfortable

Day 3: Things that make you uncomfortable.

   I feel like it's somewhat of a difficult task to make me feel uncomfortable. (Although I'm a master at making others feel that way.) I'm going to have to dig real deep for this one, but I'm sure I can come up with something.

  • Couples that argue in front of you while you're hanging out with them. Just wait until you're behind closed doors so the rest of us can continue to have fun.
  • Racial slurs.
  • Receiving compliments. I have yet to master the art of gracious acceptance :/
  • Lengthy eye contact. Stop staring at me, would ya?

Day Two...days later

Day 2: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic)

   I must say that I'm pretty good at creating and sustaining a mess. Like, I'm the best. Seriously. So for all of my OCD friends out there who just cannot grasp how I can live like this, here's the step-by-step instructions. And, just because I love you, I've broken it down into sections (and assuming it's a work day). You're welcome.


  • Wake up to your alarm clock and wallow around in your bed like a beached whale. Once you finally accept the fact that you have to get up, just get up. Don't worry about making the bed. 
  • Before showering, take your clothes off and throw them in the floor beside the dirty clothes hamper. It just makes sense.
  • Splash as much water as possible while brushing your teeth
  • Leave all of your makeup on the counter rather than putting it in its proper place. You don't have time for all of that!
  • You cannot find the camisole you want to wear under today's outfit of choice and there's not enough time to thoroughly look for it so you just have to discard the outfit and put on another. By discard, I mean take it off and see where it lands. You'll get it later. ;)

  • You just can't wait to get out of your work clothes and into something with an elastic waist band. Again, just leave those clothes on the floor. You'll get them later.
  • Use every ingredient and dish possible when making dinner. Don't worry about cleaning as you go. You'll probably have to re-use something at some point and you don't want to have to double back. 
  • You're exhausted after dinner and don't feel like putting everything up. You've worked hard today and need some downtime. Just leave everything where you left it. You'll get it before you go to bed. You promise.
  • Someone has shot you with a tranquilizer gun, and it's time for bed. You have a fleeting feeling of guilt for not picking up all of the stuff you told yourself you would, but the feeling passes quickly. Maybe tomorrow.

Repeat this cycle for exactly one work-week and the results will start piling up. (Pun intended.)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day One: The Story of My Life

   Yes, I'm well-aware that I'm a day late. Story of my life. (Oh, wait, that's the title!) At any rate, here's Day 1 of the Month of Blogging Challenge.

Day 1: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)

  I was born to high school sweethearts on November 20, 1985. Born and raised on family land nestled out in the country, my sister and I grew up spending an ample amount of time outdoors. I was  an avid reader (anyone remember Sweet Valley High?) and a beast on the Nintendo (Mario was my jam). Let's fast-forward through middle school, as those years are too awkward to read about, and move along to high school. High school fits the cliche description of some of the "best years of my life". A life filled with fun and void of any true sense of responsibility. College was even better than high school! I learned a lot about who I was and who I wanted to be, and I managed to pick up some pretty spectacular friends along the way. Upon graduation, I moved to the booming metropolis that is Notasulga (note the heavy sarcasm) and taught 7th grade math in Auburn for four years. Teaching will always be a part of me, and I will forever cherish that part of my life. I recently transitioned into the business world, and I have to say, I'm loving it!! My life has somewhat been turned upside down in the last two months, but I like it all the more. In summary, I lead a very blessed life!

Challenge: Blog Everyday for a Month

  My blogging has been sporadic lately, to say the least. Life gets busy, and blogging seems to be one of the first things to go. I find this to be ironic since this is when I have the most to blog about, but ya' know. These things happen. To combat this, I've decided to take on the blogging challenge and write each day during the month of July. Wish me luck, as I'm sure I'll be needing it!

  **I was inspired by Annabel, author of Hot Mess. I stumbled across her blog a few months ago while researching Pure Barre. If you are looking for a great read, check her out! She's fantastic!!**

   For the sake of accountability, the schedule is below. 

Day 1: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)

Day 2: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic)

Day 3: Things that make you uncomfortable

Day 4: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it

Day 5: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member

Day 6: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

Day 7: The thing(s) you're most afraid of

Day 8: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.

Day 9: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words)

Day 10: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill. 

Day 11: Sell yourself in 10 words or less

Day 12: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

Day 13: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.

Day 14: Ten things that make you really happy

Day 15: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)

Day 16: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it

Day 17: A favorite photo of yourself and why

Day 18: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.

Day 19: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

Day 20: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.

Day 21: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

Day 22: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)

Day 23: Things you've learned that school won't teach you

Day 24: Your top 3 worst traits

Day 25: Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget (good or bad)

Day 26: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like.

Day 27: A letter to your readers

Day 28: Only pictures

Day 29: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories. Use YouTube to include them in the post

Day 30: React to this term: Letting Go

Day 31: A vivid memory