As ridiculous as it is, I joined because I want to read celeb's Tweets. I think Twitter is super cool in that it really lets you see that celebrities truly are just regular people (with better clothes and way more cash flow). And so, I gave in to the temptation and am now updated on Kim K's every move. (Yes, I really do follow her on Twitter. I love to hate her and hate to love her. It's complicated.)
My internal conflict is that I feel it's incredibly narcissistic. I have trouble coming up with something to say that "the whole world" (aka my 6 followers) could possibly care about. I mean, how narcissistic to think that people care that you are baking cookies, or leaving the store, or it's raining at your house. Celebs? Sure, it makes you feel like they're just another person living a regular life. But a regular person tweeting about regular activities that they do in their regular life? Not as cool.
I guess this is going to give me new incentive to lead a more interesting life. We'll see how long that (and my Twitter account) lasts. ;)

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