Ahem, I am proud to announce the first edition of Friday's Letters. Enjoy!
Dear 27th Birthday:
I was so busy that you slipped up on me and I had no time to mentally prepare for the idea that I will have to say "27" in response to someone's question, "How old are you?" (Although, I'm at the age where asking that question has become taboo.) However, you were a wonderful day, and I sincerely hope you'll be as good to me as 26 was!
Dear Family and Friends:
Thank you so much for the cards, calls, texts, and Facebook posts. You made my birthday complete and I am so grateful for you!
Dear Unnecessarily Slow Drivers:
Please speed up. You are a constant reminder that I just might need to slow my lifestyle down and be as nonchalant about time as you are, but I seriously need you to speed up.
Dear Thanksgiving:
Thanks for being such a wonderful holiday. I got to spend QT with my family, and it was AWESOME!
Dear Sickness that is Plaguing Skyllar:
Please go away. I want my boyfriend back. (I kind of need him to help me with the Christmas tree that I'd really, really like to buy this weekend.
Dear Iron Bowl:
Hope you are worth watching!