- the fact that I am back to work now
- last night was the start of college football
- tomorrow is the first AUBURN game (War Eagle!)
- I've already started making my Halloween plans and gathering ideas for costumes
- I looked at my summer wreath on the way in the house last night and decided it no longer looked appropriate
- I can go walking after work and not feel like I'm drowning in my own sweat after walking two feet
- I've put on my house robe a good bit because I'm cold in the house
- I've started looking forward to eating soups again
- My tan is fading quickly--a little too quickly for my liking
- And most importantly, my hair isn't frizzing INSTANTLY when I walk outside
This time of year always leaves me with mixed feelings. I sure do love those summer nights! Here's a few things I'll hate saying goodbye to:
- Friday nights spent at Chuck's Marina
- lazy days spent by the pool with a great book and a best friend
- having people over any night of the week because I can
- sleeping in
- getting a tan outside of a bottle
- natural highlights
- garden veggies
- And most importantly, this view:
So long sweet summer! It's almost fall, y'all!